Features on a Budget for Headstart Homes

Features on a Budget for Headstart Homes

Here at Headstart Homes, we understand that building a new home is a large commitment, both financially and emotionally. While building the perfect home of your dreams should be the end goal, it might not always be possible due to budget constraints.

The good news is, we can help you achieve a dream home that looks $1million bucks but without the price tag! Check out our clever and affordable features to get started:

Swap Brick for a Plaster cladding:

Although brick tends to be the obvious choice when it comes to building a home on the economy, there is another, relatively cost-effective alternative that will completely transform your home.

Plaster systems are a great, cost-effective way to improve the overall street appeal of your home. They allow for a more modern, aesthetic appearance in comparison to bricks. Super flexible cladding can also be used either as the primary or feature cladding.

Depending on the size of your home, the price to upgrade to plaster cladding could only be a couple of $ 1000s. Whilst this may seem steep upfront, it will drastically improve your exterior appearance and therefore the resale value of the home. What’s more, it has great insulative properties which can help improve the thermal envelope of your home – saving you energy costs in the long run!

Swap cedar for cheaper wood cladding alternatives:

Cedar is a luxurious exterior feature that many new home builders would love to have on their homes. However, cedar tends to come with a price tag that makes it unaffordable for the average first time builder. Thankfully, there are great economical wooden alternatives that can provide the cedar look without the cost.

Axon paneling and Linea are great cost-effective ways to achieve the wood cladding look at a fraction of the price. These alternatives can be painted or stained to any colour you desire.

Swap a gas fire for an electric fire:

During the cold, damp winter months in Canterbury, having a nice warm fireplace is essential for all new homes. Gas fireplaces tend to be the model of choice; however, these are costly.

A more affordable alternative is an electric fire. They give off the same, warm cozy heat that looks like real fire without using expensive gas. Plus, gas fires will likely be phased out in the future due to their harmful impact on the environment. Having an electric fire in your new home is a great way to future proof your investment and contribute to sustainability.

Check out the popular Dimplex model for inspiration:

Giving You a Headstart into the New Home Market

Here at Headstart Homes, we have a fantastic selection of floorplans that are specifically designed to help first time owners build their dream homes. These plans are packed with affordable features so that you too can build your very own, uniquely customised home within your budget.

Get in touch to find out more today.